[The Document page is currently undergoing a re-design. New items are being added to the new pages and no further documents will be added here. 8/12/2013]

A large number of reports and documents will be consulted to help us to frame our Objectives and Proposals. These documents are available by clicking the name below. More will be added as the project progresses.

Map of Designated Neighbourhood area

Extracts from Colchester Borough Council Local Development Framework where it affects Wivenhoe

Colchester Site Allocations DPD was adopted at Full Council on 13th October 2010. The policies/proposals in the Site Allocations DPD supersede the Local Plan policies and are now a material consideration and used in the determination of planning applications.

Wivenhoe Town Plan 2008

Village Voices, a companion document to the Wivenhoe Town Plan 2008, giving an insight into the views expressed at the time in answer to open-ended questions.

Wivenhoe Conservation Area Appraisal 2007, a Draft document as it was never formally adopted by CBC

CBC Community Facilities Audit 2012

CBC Supplementary Planning Document Community Facilities 2013

Essex Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS), 2008 plan still in force though expected to be abolished.

Essex Transport Strategy

Transport for Colchester

Colchester Borough Council Local Development Framework (LDF) Core Strategy

CBC development proposals map for Wivenhoe, with accompanying Key

Building for Life 12 Design insights

National Planning Policy Framework 2012

Localism Act 2011

Neighbourhood Planning Regulations 2012

Example of a completed NP

Example of an independent inspector report