412 people, 42% of those who replied to the survey, saw a need for new jobs locally (312 for full time, 271 for part-time), another 40% said they didn’t know.

197 (23%) of the households that replied to the question had someone working or running a business from home. Of those that didn’t at the moment another 13% thought they would in the future. The actual questions we asked were:

Do you (or any member of your household) work all or part of the time from home, or run a business from home? If not working from home already, do you think you will want to work from home in the future?


Improved IT connections – faster broadband, better mobile phone connections, and an internet cafe – were cited as the greatest support needed (mentioned by 87 people) to make working from home easier.

Eleven people called for a Business Centre to include document printing, access to computers, desk hire, advice and training, for people working from home. A further 129 people said such a business centre would support any new business development, some suggesting some kind of Business Park with cheap rents and easy in/easy out contracts, grants and business rates. 139 also felt that improved access by rail and road would help businesses grow locally.

Very few people mentioned support for their business by local residents which would suggest their businesses are on-line and not reliant on local clients.