Following on from the Public Open Day in July 2013 and subsequent collation of the comments, a working group designed a Questionnaire. This was distributed to all households in Wivenhoe between 29 November and 7 December 2013.
Distribution was undertaken by the Steering group with the help of other community volunteers and a paper copy was delivered to approximately 3600 houses.
An on-line survey mirroring the print copy was made available via Surveymonkey, a link to which was provided on the website. The questionnaire was also made available for download. Additional copies were available at the Town Council’s offices.
Publicity for the questionnaire was made on the Town Council’s website, repeatedly in the local press, on Radio Wivenhoe , by posters around the town, on Twitter and Facebook and by email circulation to local organisations.
Returns could be made by post, using the pre-paid envelope delivered with the questionnaire. The costs of printing and Freepost return envelopes were met by a grant from the Community Development Foundation.
Returns could also be made by filling in the on-line version, or by returning to one of four collection points that were set up around the town: in local shops, the Town Council offices and the Black Buoy pub. The return date was 20 December 2013- though an extension was subsequently given until 3 January 2014 for paper returns and until 13 January for on-line returns.
The purpose of the questionnaire is to drill down into the issues the Open Day had revealed and to gather more detailed information on the views of Wivenhoe’s residents which will form the foundation for the Plan’s policies.
Inputting of data will be done by volunteers with some paid help from University of Essex students and the aim is to have this process completed by 13 January 2014.
Analysis of data is planned from 13 January until 10 March.
This part of the process will be managed by a member of the Steering Group who has relevant experience in the field.
Further updates of results will follow.