What’s the connection between Essex students, the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire, and fish? The answer is: Henleys of Wivenhoe – which still doesn’t explain much so let me…. Wivenhoe is busy preparing a Plan to decide how the town should…
What’s the connection between Essex students, the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire, and fish? The answer is: Henleys of Wivenhoe – which still doesn’t explain much so let me…. Wivenhoe is busy preparing a Plan to decide how the town should…
We have a date for the launch of our town-wide questionnaire! From 22 November every Wivenhoe household can expect to receive a copy and by 6 December all copies should have been delivered. The return date is 20 December. Collection…
At its November meeting, the Steering Group will decide the launch date for the Questionnaire. Designing and testing it has been a true labour of love by the small working group that volunteered for this task and, now in its…
The next meeting of the Steering Group will be held on Wednesday 6 November, 7.30 pm in the Council chamber of Wivenhoe Town Council offices, 77 High Street. Residents are welcome to attend the meeting and raise any matters related…
A working group has been busy designing a questionnaire that focuses more narrowly on the concerns that were expressed through initial consultation with the community. The group has been meeting for two-and-a-half hours on a weekly basis, towels round their…
WTC’s application to approve a Designated Neighbourhood Area was the first official step in the NP process. The application was made to the planning authority for Wivenhoe which is of course CBC. The application was submitted in May 2013 and…
On the basis of all the information that has come in through the preliminary consultation excercises, a sub-group of the steering group is now designing a more focused questionnaire. This is in line with the successive steps through the process…
Of relevance to the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan is CBC’s current review exercise of its Local Plan. CBC wants to know your thoughts on changes that are being made to planning policies, to bring them in-line with updated national guidelines. This…
Comments are still dribbling in from the WivKids survey, some with great expectations! Particularly charming was one return that pleaded for a better noise from ice cream vans…. DISCERNING YOUNGSTERS, that’s what we’ve got!
The attendance graph of 6th July Public consultation day showed up a significant gap: an almost complete absence of any under-18s. So we took the opportunity of WivKids event last Saturday to talk to 60+ of them – and what…