Behind Broadfields

For site A in general:

  • In the survey 62 % voted in favour of this site though the percentage was lower for people living near by
  • The site is currently designated by CBC as proposed open space.  The suggestion is that some of it could be used for housing with the remainder as open space
  • There is potential for a new cycle way to link to the Broadlanes sports grounds


A1 : This part is suggested for housing.  The area marked is 5.2 hectares.  Access would be from Elmstead Road via Broadfields and Richard Avenue.

It is near to services such as schools, shops and bus routes. Low impact on overall vehicular road traffic in the town.

A2:  This should remain as green fields. It has the potential to provide additional sports grounds. It is further from facilities than the recommended area

A3:  This area is a designated local wildlife site and should not be developed but it might be suitable for a green cemetery.

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One comment on “Behind Broadfields

  1. Where will you put the new doctors surgery as the present one is full and with new housing we would have to wait a month for an appointment. Where will you put the new school? Will you build a new reservoir? More houses greater strain on our water supply more hose pipe bans.
    All developers want is houses never a thought for the green fields or the facilities that people need. There will be increased traffic on the small Elmstead Road and I have to ask why do we need all these houses?
    Is it because of increased population? We all know where that is from, put a stop on that and we will not need as many houses.
    I realise my comments will be ignored as houses will make money and palms will be greased and doctors surgeries and schools cost money and who cares about the fields.

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