Report of launch of full draft plan

RN_Feb16Dressed in full regalia, Wivenhoe town councillor and official town crier Mr Bob Needham rang in the launch of the consultation on the Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan as he led a procession from Wivenhoe Quay to the William Loveless Hall. There, residents were treated to hot refreshments and were able to discuss the proposed plan with members of the steering committee. Posters, summaries and leaflets were available to illustrate the proposals and to take away for consideration.

Councillor Needham, who has chaired the neighbourhood plan Steering Group from its inception, made a short speech reminding residents that this was the culmination of more than two and a half years of questionnaires, public discussions and events during which time the views and wishes of those who work and live in the town had been formed into a proposed plan. He emphasised the importance of adopting a neighbourhood plan if the people of Wivenhoe wanted to have a say in how their town would be developed over the period up until 2032, announcing a referendum to adopt the plan would be held in September 2016.

The consultation then moved up to the top end of the town to the Wivenhoe Cricket Club where residents were again invited to discussion, tea and cakes.
The full proposed plan and summary plan are available by clicking here.

Copies of the Plan will be available for inspection at Wivenhoe Town Council Offices at 77 High Street, and Wivenhoe Library.
Comments may be made on-line, or by email to or in writing to
Neighbourhood Plan, Wivenhoe Town Council, 77 High Street, Wivenhoe CO7 9AB.
Feedback should be given before 14 March 2016 and no later than Saturday 26 March 2016.

One comment on “Report of launch of full draft plan

  1. My name is Brian Morgan from ADP Ltd, Architects and Chartered Town Planners based in West Bergholt. We represent Stuart Cock, the Managing Director of Mersea Homes who have options over land to the East of Colchester, mostly north of the A133. Although not a Wivenhoe resident Stuart thought it might be useful to make some comments regarding the land under his control which falls within the Neighbourhood Plan’s area and is amongst the options being considered for development in the emerging Local Plans for both Colchester and Tendring Councils.

    Your Neighbourhood Plan Committee will know that Colchester and Tendring Councils are considering a joint project including land in the East of Colchester and the West of Tendring which at this stage is being considered on the basis of a general location for development to deliver a new community which will cater for University expansion, support significant public transport initiatives and regeneration opportunities for both the Hythe area and Tendring District. This will be a Local Plan led initiative which will be the subject of local consultation if the project becomes a Preferred Option when the announcement is made in June.

    We recognise the draft Neighbourhood Plan’s key objective of retaining the Town’s rural setting with green gaps and strategic landscaping along key access roads. These objectives will sit well within the context of the proposed ‘Garden Settlement’ being jointly considered by the Councils in which landscaping will obviously be a key element. We also recognise local ambition to see more public open green space north of the A133. Master planners are being appointed by the Councils to advise on a range of issues which will include the protection of areas which contain important biodiversity linked by significant green corridors. However, the scale of open space indicated in Fig 12 is tantamount to a green wedge normally used to retain the individual character of existing separate settlements. The proposal to the east of Colchester is considered in the context of being an urban extension and not a separate settlement. An overly large separation would have the effect of artificially extending foot and cycle links and thus discourage sustainable transport modes and discourage the use of new community facilities within the development by existing residents. We believe the area should be restricted to the existing Local Nature Reserve as indicated on Fig 22. We would also object at this stage to the WIV 2 (ii) policy as this could prejudice the future planning of the area.

    In addition we would recommend that there is greater clarity on what the ‘Settlement Area’ is i.e. we assume it to be the settlement boundary as indicated on Map 1

    Generally the draft Wivenhoe Neighbourhood Plan appears as a well-considered document based on significant local consultation, accordingly we expect it will be a great success.

    Brian Morgan RIBA MRTPI
    On behalf of Mersea Homes Ltd.

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